Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tour of California

On Tuesday my dad called and asked if we wanted to go watch the Amgen Tour of California with him the next day. I'm not a major biking fan so I wasn't too motivated to go, but then he told me he was in the VIP tent. He knows how to win me over! He sponsored the event so he invited me and Eric to join him at the finish line. Eric & I showed up a few hours before the end and enjoyed some food and relaxation. Luckily it quit raining yesterday and was a nice, warm day. My sister, Kim, and her husband came too as well as dad, Kathi, and some of Kathi's family. It was kind of exciting to see all the people who came out to watch. The bikers arrived around 3:45ish and man they flew by. It was so loud with all the cow bells and yelling, but fun at the same time. I personally didn't see Lance Armstrong but he was in the pack somewhere. I tried to get pictures as they flew by but it was not that easy....sorry that pic is kind of blurry. We left during the awards ceremony and at that point we did get to see Lance's car drive away. He tried to wave hi to me but I was busy talking to my husband. He'll have to wait until the next Tour of California-sorry Lance! Side Note-my sister and I are holding up #1 in one of the pics because we are my dad's favorite out of all of us


  1. Uh why isn't he holding up the #1??????? I think it's beacuse he reserves that title especially for me!!!!!!! Susan's #1 Susan's #1 Susan's #1 Susan's #1 Susan's #1Susan's #1Susan's #1Susan's #1Susan's #1Susan's #1

  2. How fun! I love the sidewalk chalk.

    You are #1 Stephie! :)
